Father of Edward Borketey Sackey demands justice from O’Reilly SHS authorities

Father of Edward Borketey Sackey demands justice from O’Reilly SHS authorities

Father of Edward Borketey Sackey demands justice from O'Reilly SHS authorities

Father of a final year student of O’Reilly Senior High School who was stabbed to death by a fellow student is demanding justice and accountability from School authorities.

The student identified as Edward Borketey Sackey met his untimely death after a heated argument that escalated into a physical fight between him and a fellow student.

A video sighted by Happy Kasiebo shows some students carrying the victim to the hospital after he was stabbed.

The incident occurred today, Tuesday September 3, 2024 after he finished his first paper of the day.

The cousin of the deceased narrated to the media that her brother had a fight with a colleague called Godwin.

According to her, she had earlier spoken with the deceased after his first paper in the morning. Few minutes later she was informed that her cousin was involved in a fight with Godwin.

“They were arguing about who was richer than the other which I thought was nothing “.

“However, the guy who was arguing with my cousin later came to me and told me to warn my brother, otherwise something bad might happen”.

“My brother went to the teachers for protection but they allegedly ignored him”.

“I decided to inform my uncle who operates a shop close to the school but did not find him and after returning I found out that my brother had been stabbed by Godwin”, she narrated.

The family of the deceased upon hearing the incident went to the school to find out what happened but were denied entry into the school compound due to the presence of the Police.

The father of Edward spoke to the media, explaining that he received a call from his niece who narrated everything to him.

Out of curiosity, he asked his niece about how the teachers responded to the situation only to be told that the teachers did not take any action.

“As I was heading to the School, I received another from one of the students that Edward had been rushed to Lekma Hospital and upon my arrival i was informed that my son had passed away. I saw that my son was stabbed three times in his chest, when they showed me the body”.

The deceased’s father was highly disappointed in the school authorities for sitting aloof for such an incident to happen. He is seeking justice and accountability from the school authorities.

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