Everyone needs to understand e-levy – NPP Communicator on Clergy engagement with Mahama

Communication Team Member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kafui Amegah has supported closed-door meetings held between the clergy and former President John Dramani Mahama.

Although discussions in this meeting have not been made public, it is speculated that it was meant to soften the stance of the opposition on the e-levy debate.

“The clergy meeting with former President Mahama is a step in the right direction and shouldn’t be left at bay. We need a lot of Ghanaians to understand and back the passage of the e-levy so if they consult former President Mahama then it is not a misplaced priority,” he stated.

According to him, the meeting with the former President is part of a series of consultations to get the e-levy passed even if it means reducing the rate further.

Speaking to Happy98.9FM’s Don Kwabena Prah in a panel discussion on the Epa Hoa Daben political talk show, he said, “It is not a misplaced priority for former President Mahama to be consulted. We have been engaged in town hall meetings and the NDC has also been discrediting our efforts in a similar fashion and that is why we sought to go to the former President. That way he can get his people to support the idea or stop the misinformation.”

The clergy met with Former President John Dramani Mahama on Monday February 14 as part of series of meetings they (clergy) are having with the Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2020 elections, on governance issues.

Details of the closed-door meeting were not made public.

Addressing the press after the meeting, the National Chairman of the NDC, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo said “Indeed, the meeting was a closed door meeting and for that matter, matters that were discussed in-house, the decision is to keep them as such as the consultations continue.”

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