Diplomatic Consultant, Farouk Al- Wahab says Ghana started practicing democracy prematurely and that also accounts for the country being overly democratic.
According to him, the only form of democracy the nation of Ghana should enjoy is democracy when it comes to elections but the economy of the country should never be run democratically.
He noted that a typical form of economic democracy practiced by Ghana was the waste of money in organizing run offs during elections.
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He made this assertion in an interview on Happy 98.9 FM’s Epa Hoa Daben with host, Afrifa-Mensah. “Ghana’s system of winning elections that requires one to get more than 50% of votes cast should be rechecked. It wastes money that could have been used for development.”
To him, this system of running elections should be changed and the focus should rather be on the forming of coalitions if the country wants to pick up its pace in development.
Farouk pointed out the fact that after money is wasted in organizing a run off, another sum which has been invested in human capital is also lost when the opposition gains power. “We will waste money to organize a run off and when a party comes to power, they change the professionals in top government positions with their own ‘people’ and this affects our growth,” he said.
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On his authority, the formation of a coalitions lead to all political factions rallying together to support a visionary leader who can cause economic growth will be preferred.
Explaining the concept of coalitions further, he explained that instead of going for runoffs, during presidential elections, the aspirants who leads by majority votes should lead the nation but, must pick ministers and other leading members of government from the opposition. “Doing this will not only help rally support but will also lead to inclusive governance and the continuity of it.”
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To Al-Wahab, if Ghana continues with its old ways, the country can never work. “We will have to keep on borrowing instead of continuing new projects in the country, he stated.
By: Joel Sanco