Election 2024: Alan Kyerematen promises economic boost for Ghanaians

Election 2024: Alan Kyerematen promises economic boost for Ghanaians

Election 2024: Alan Kyerematen promises economic boost for Ghanaians

By: Nana Antwi Boasiako

Alan Kyerematen, the founder and leader of the Movement for Change, has unveiled his vision to transform Ghana from an economically challenged nation to a thriving industrialized country, where all citizens can reap the benefits, through his comprehensive Great Transformational Plan (GTP).

On Tuesday, June 11, during a radio interview on Tamale based radio station monitored by Happyghana.com, as part of his campaign outreach in Tamale, Alan Kyerematen expressed his deep concern about the country’s economic struggles and the widespread anxiety among Ghanaians about their deteriorating economic circumstances, citing these as the driving forces behind his determination to become President and implement meaningful change.

Alan Kyerematen emphasized the widespread longing among Ghanaians for a unified vision for national development that goes beyond the confines of political party manifestos, seeking a comprehensive and inclusive approach to drive progress and prosperity for all.

He drew attention to the alarming unemployment rate in Ghana, emphasizing the urgent need for a leader with a clear vision and concrete plans to invest in job creation, in order to effectively address the issue and provide opportunities for the nation’s youth, thereby reducing the unemployment rate and fostering economic growth and development.

“People are looking for a leader who can create employment opportunities, we know from statistics that unemployment is now about 14.7%. This is a very serious matter and almost like a security issue now, and if you are looking for someone who can lead this country and create more unemployment, then it’s me, he said.

Alan Kyerematen lamented that the country’s progress has been stifled by partisan politics and manifestos that prioritize party interests over national development, hindering Ghana’s growth and progress.

He urged Ghanaians to recognize that while differences in opinions and perspectives are natural, unity and a shared sense of purpose are essential for the nation’s progress, emphasizing the importance of putting aside partisan divisions and working together towards a common goal, as one people, under one nation.

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