Election 2020: Two motor riders lose their lives in an accident after voting

Election 2020: Two motor riders lose their lives in an accident after voting

Election 2020: Two motor riders lose their lives in an accident after voting

Information reaching GMABC election camp indicates that two motor riders who seem to have been leaving their voting centres in a joyful mood have died after a motor accident in the Dadieso in Western North region.

GMABC’s correspondent, Hannah Mensah, speaking to Samuel Eshun, narrated: “Around 4:30pm, we had the news that an accident had occurred which has claimed the lives of two persons. Two persons were sitting on a motorbike and the other two were on another motorbike.

A lady who was 23 years old was sitting on one motorbike with one of the riders and a young man aged 21 years was on the other motorbike with the other rider. It seems that they had gone to vote and were in the mood of jubilation and on their way back, they met with a car on the way. At that moment, one of the motor riders decided to overtake the car only to collide with the other motorbike rider.

The two riders have lost their lives in this accident. However, the passengers of the motorbikes survived as they have been admitted at the Bantama clinic. They have however sustained injuries. The nurse has assured that they have been well taken care of”.

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