Dumsor: GRIDCo blames ECG for unstable power supply, calls for load-shedding timetable

Dumsor: GRIDCo blames ECG for unstable power supply, calls for load-shedding timetable

Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) has reported the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to the Energy Minister for failing to issue a load-shedding timetable for customers during the ongoing power outages, commonly referred to as “dumsor.”

According to GRIDCo, the National System Control Centre (NSCC) has repeatedly requested ECG to provide a timetable due to the unavailability of the maximum grid capacity, but ECG has been reluctant to comply.

In a petition submitted to the Minister on Thursday, March 28, GRIDCo warned that ECG’s non-compliance poses a significant risk to the stability of the national grid, potentially leading to avoidable power outages for customers and even a system collapse.

GRIDCo stated that the NSCC routinely communicates load management directives to ECG Operations, but these instructions are often either not effected or inadequately implemented, resulting in a decline in system frequency and triggering emergency disconnections.

“When these emergency disconnections occur, ECG publishes customer notices attributing the loss of power supply to GRIDCo, which is not an accurate description of the current situation,” the petition read.

GRIDCo further emphasized that ECG’s disregard for load management instructions is a clear violation of the regulations, and the company should not be held responsible for matters beyond its jurisdiction.

Consequently, GRIDCo is calling upon the Minister to intervene and ensure that ECG adheres to the issuance of a load-shedding timetable, as this non-compliance poses a serious threat to the stability of the power grid and the reliable supply of electricity to customers.

The ongoing “dumsor” crisis has been a persistent challenge for Ghana, and this latest development highlights the need for better coordination and cooperation between the various energy sector entities to ensure a reliable and stable power supply for the country.

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