Demonstrations won’t generate credible register – EC tells NDC

Demonstrations won’t generate credible register – EC tells NDC

Demonstrations won't generate credible register - EC tells NDC

The Electoral Commission (EC) has addressed the National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) concerns about the 2024 Voters Register’s credibility, stating that protests will not address the issue. The EC notes that despite repeated requests, the NDC has failed to provide concrete evidence of the alleged discrepancies in the register, leaving the commission awaiting tangible data to investigate and rectify any potential problems.

Addressing a press conference on Thursday September 12, Deputy Commissioner of Operations for the EC, Samuel Tettey, emphasized the Electoral Commission’s willingness to engage with the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to address their concerns about the voters’ register. He reiterated the EC’s invitation to the NDC to present their concerns at the discussion table, where they can be thoroughly examined and resolved. Tettey noted that during a previous meeting, the EC had committed to investigating any issues raised by the NDC within a week, but the lack of data from the party has hindered the progress of this investigation.

The Electoral Commission (EC) has expressed optimism that constructive dialogue, rather than public protests, is the key to creating a reliable and accurate voters’ register. The EC urged former President John Mahama to encourage his party to engage in meaningful discussions with the Commission to address their concerns. Reaffirming its commitment to transparency, the EC assured that all issues with the register will be thoroughly addressed before the December 2024 General Elections.

The Commission reassured the public and political parties that it is working tirelessly to correct any discrepancies and provide a voters’ register that ensures free, fair, and credible elections. The EC appealed for public trust, highlighting its successful delivery in 2020 and its determination to repeat this achievement.

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