CPP proposes “See Something, Say Something” initiative to tackle galamsey

CPP proposes “See Something, Say Something” initiative to tackle galamsey

CPP proposes "See Something, Say Something" initiative to tackle galamsey

The Convention People’s Party(CPP) has expressed deep concern over the politicization of efforts to combat illegal mining, which has led to the destruction of nearly all river bodies and arable lands in the country.

In a press release signed by the National Communications Director of the party, Osei Kofi Acquah, they noted that the galamsey menace has been LEGACY problem that was inherited by successive governments since 1992 as documented by THIRD WORLD NETWORK (GHANA) IN 2007.

However, small-scale gold mining and foreign involvement especially by Chinese miners became a very controversial issue in Ghana in 2012 and 2013 leading ultimately to the formation of the Inter Ministerial Task force by former president Mahama, although their operation did not yield the results Ghanaians anticipated.

“It is therefore unfortunate that at this crucial point in the history of Ghana when we as Citizens and Patriots who should stand shoulder to shoulder and fight to save our lands and river bodies will engage in petty partisan blame games with the mischievous mindset of scoring political points ahead of the 7th December Elections”parts of the statement read.

The party thanked Organized Labour for putting Ghana first, by rescinding their decision not to embark on their initial planned strike.

“Again the CPP is calling on government to place a temporal ban on all Small-Scale and Medium-Scale Miners who are mining in our river bodies and forest reserves.
On our part as Patriots and the political party that won independence for Ghana, the CPP do hereby propose “OPERATION SEE GALAMSAYER, REPORT GALAMSEYER”.

The party believes that demonstrations in regional capitals to draw attention of policy makers and those entrusted with the country’s authority as government is a constitutional right and a good thing, but cannot do it alone and will need the help of Ghanaians to make it happen.

“We are therefore calling on all Ghanaians to report activities of illegal mining in their communities to unit committee members, their assembly members, their Chiefs, the nearest police station and to the MMDCE of their district” the statement added.

Read Statement below:

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