Coronavirus: Test on suspected cases negative

Coronavirus: Test on suspected cases negative

China refutes claims of new virus outbreak; labels as fear-mongering

Two foreign nationals who were reportedly showed symptoms of coronavirus when they reported at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital have tested negative according to a statement released by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR).

Two foreign nationals on Wednesday reported at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital have developed some symptoms suspected to be coronavirus.

Read More: Fear spreads as Korle-Bu records two suspected cases of Coronavirus

The patients, a Chinese and an Argentine who have been living together in the country for some days have been isolated at the facility while blood samples taken have been sent to the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR), for further analysis.

According to reports, the Chinese left his home country for Ghana sometime in September 2019 while the Argentine, who was in Shanghai, joined the Chinese in Ghana in January.

However, samples tested at Noguchi for the deadly virus proved negative, allaying fears of many Ghanaians.

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