Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability Join the fight against galamsey

Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability Join the fight against galamsey

Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability Join the fight against galamsey

A Christian Group, the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa, (CYNESA) Ghana Chapter has issued a a press statement expressing its disappointment in government’s non swift response regarding the illegal mining practices in the country.

The Group in a signed statement by the President, Francisca Dommetieru Ziniel, called on all Catholic Members of Parliament to speak out and join the call against illegal mining activities in the country.

In a passionate appeal, the group has called Catholic members and its association group to join the fight against illegal mining.

According to the statement, ‘’this environmental and social disaster, which Pope Francis explicitly condemned in Laudato Si, is not only destroying ecosystems but also exploiting vulnerable communities with impunity.’’

‘’The silence of our political, religious, and traditional leaders is both deafening and unacceptable. Every day, our young people suffer as a result of the neglect and failure of those in power. We call on all people of faith to denounce these violations, using all available platforms to demand immediate action.’’

Below is the full statement

The Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) expresses its profound outrage at the government’s continued inaction on the illegal mining crisis, also known as galamsey.

This environmental and social disaster, which Pope Francis explicitly condemned in Laudato Si, is not only destroying ecosystems but also exploiting vulnerable communities with impunity.

We urgently call on Catholic Members of Parliament to speak out and take decisive action now. The Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference must mobilize Catholics across the nation, together with well-meaning Ghanaians, to demand immediate and concrete steps to end galamsey through peaceful protests.

It is time for the Knights and Ladies of Marshall and St. John International, along with the Ladies Auxiliary, to step forward as the true defenders of justice and faith, speaking boldly and acting decisively against this national calamity.

The silence of our political, religious, and traditional leaders is both deafening and unacceptable. Every day, our young people suffer as a result of the neglect and failure of those in power. We call on all people of faith to denounce these violations, using all available platforms to demand immediate action.

We urge the government, civil society, and international organizations to treat this crisis with the urgency it deserves. Strengthen environmental regulations, rigorously enforce laws, and hold perpetrators accountable with severe penalties.

Moreover, it provides genuine economic alternatives for communities that have become dependent on illegal mining activities for survival.

CYNESA is resolutely committed to the pursuit of a just and sustainable future. We invite all concerned citizens to join us in defending the environment, advocating for human dignity, and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

As Pope Francis reminds us, “The environment is God’s gift to everyone; we must respect the rights of others in its use.” Let us rise to meet this challenge, standing in solidarity for the preservation of our common home.

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