#BuO’Forfor: MYO Global offers Madina Market women free Health Screening and Family Planning Sensitization

#BuO’Forfor: MYO Global offers Madina Market women free Health Screening and Family Planning Sensitization

#BuO'Forfor: MYO Global offers Madina Market women free Health Screening and Family Planning Sensitization

By: Kobina Baidoo

MYO Global Foundation in a joint effort with Ga East Municipal Hospital, visited the Madina Market for a free Health screening and Family Planning Sensitization event on Friday, October 27,2023.

MYO Global Foundation, founded by Prof. Douglas Boateng, is a non-profit organization that works to empower young people in Ghana. The organization’s mission is to “create a world where every young person has the opportunity to reach their full potential.” MYO works to achieve this mission through a variety of programs, including education, mentorship, and entrepreneurship training.

The Bu O’ Forfor health check exercise, which ranged from breast screening, blood pressure, malaria testing, sugar level tests, blood type tests and blood donations were conducted for a ton of traders and shoppers at the market.

Content and Programs Manager at MYO Global , Ernestina Yeboah in her address to partakers of the health screening, touted this month as the best month for the exercise. She believed that October set aside globally to create awareness of breast cancer, presents MYO Global with an opportunity to hop on the breast cancer awareness train. “As an NGO founded by Prof. Douglas Boateng who holds matters concerning the youth, women and children at heart, we realized that mostly women in the market do not have time to take care of themselves because they have to make ends meet; so we brought the hospital to them right here at Madina market, so that they can get their breasts screened and also get other health checks, alongside education on family planning; it’s a whole package for the women over here at the Madina market.”

Madina Market Conveners expressed their gratitude to MYO Global for bringing the market women and all other participants to speed regarding their health and encouraged all by-standers to take advantage of the golden opportunity presented by MYO Global.

The Health screening exercise was accompanied by an exciting cooking contest to thrill partakers of the exercise.The traders were obliged to form a three-member group, and were presented as Perfect Hands, Good Fingers, Husband and Wife, Nyame Beye, Lena Special and Yum Taaba. After a time bound display of kitchen mastery, Perfect Hands emerged winners.

Other fun activities which engaged onlookers and sparked up the day, were musical chairs, dance competition and a hype man session from Happy 98.9FM’s Adjeley-Bi-Darku.

MYO Global Foundation partnered with Happy FM, YTV, Tasty Tom, Frytol, Fortune Rice, Sankofa Natural Spices, Cocoa Processing Company Limited,Goldridge Holdings.

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