Kumawood actor Big Akwess, who allegedly accused Bill Asamoah of sleeping with teenage actress Maame Serwaa has retracted the accusation and apologized unreservedly.
Rendering the apology through an interview with Doctar Cann on Happy FM’s Showbiz Xtra, Big Akwess, who is also a TV presenter, beseeched Bill to forgive him.
“I sincerely apologise to my big brother Bill Asamoah for the harm I have caused him with my utterance. I deeply regret for levelling those unfortunate accusations against him”. Big Akwess profoundly pleaded.
Responding to the public ridicule and embarrassment he has brought to Bill and his family with those allegations, Big Akwess explained, ” I was only joking. l didn’t know it would bring such repercussions.” Big Akwess told Happy FM.
Throwing more light on whether he proposed to Maame Serwaa, Big Akwess answered, ” It was some bloggers who were trying to pull our legs so that was how the story came about.”
Big Akwess ended concluded by stating, “I deeply regret saying such things about him and I apologize and redraw those comments.”
By: Eugene Baah