Ban on serving food at funerals intensified by Ada West District authorities

Ban on serving food at funerals intensified by Ada West District authorities

Ban on serving foods at funeral intensified by the Ada West District authorities

The District Chief Executive of Ada West, Sampson Tetteh has announced a ban of serving of food and drinks at funerals in the district.

According to him, the decision was adopted by the District’s Security Council to help reduce the spread of cholera in the district.

“We are encouraging them to practice personal hygiene. The Veronica Buckets are also being used. We share sanitizers as well. So far, we have only four cases and I am sure none will come again. We started the ban on the sharing of foods at funerals last weekend and we have the police going round to ensure there is compliance’’.

Mr. Tetteh said the cholera outbreak came about as a result of water shortage in communities across the district, reiterating his commitment to ending the spread of cholera.

‘’We are also intensifying ‘Operation Clean Your Frontage’ and communal labour. We are liaising with all various stakeholders to ensure the disease is contained. We have put structures in place.”

On October 11, the Ghana Health Service in a press statement, announced the outbreak of cholera in Ada West.

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