Ambassador Edward Boateng eulogizes former Happy FM Programmes Manager Emmanuel Akrumah


Today, December 11th, 2021 we will bid fare well to friend and colleague, Emmanuel Akrumah, aka Archives.
It has taken me time to recover from the shock of Archives’, unexpected and untimely death. Archives has been with us since we took over Happy FM from Kingsman in 2006.
He did not speak much. His work spoke for him. He did not tout himself much. His actions defined him. That was the man, Archives. He was a thinker and doer par excellence. Global Media Alliance has indeed lost a star player. An astute midfielder who made sure that the game flowed.
Personally, Archives sudden demise has been sobering for me especially coming so soon after former Advicer and my own father. The pain and cruelty of his death was even felt deeper when a day or so later my mentor and big brother Mr. Tee also passed.
All I can say is that it shall be well and let’s give thanks to the Lord for the life of Archives and pray for his family, daughters, friends and workmates at Happy FM especially.

Death they say may come like a thief at night, unexpected and with chaos of emotions. It’s icy hands have demonstrated that no matter who you are, you could be next. Life is but fleeting and so we must make the most of it while we are here on earth- we must always do well to put smiles on the faces of people, we must reach out to family, friends and even strangers alike.

The death of Archives is a tough one to take in. I struggle to understand why he had to go so soon. A man of many talents but few words – the kind of man our nation so much needs. He embodied hard work, dedication and diligence of purpose.

He will be dearly missed but I’m convinced he’s at a better place looking down upon us all with beaming smiles.

Archives, my younger brother may the good Lord grant you rest and may the angels lead you through the gates of eternal life. Till we meet again, fare thee well my brother.

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