Akuffo-Addo legalising homosexuality: “All Die Be Die” in disguise!!!

Akuffo-Addo legalising homosexuality: “All Die Be Die” in disguise!!!

I am sure lots of people noticed how the likes of Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, Nana Asante Bedietuo, Kwame Akuffo and co were withdrawn from the frontline of Akufo-Addo’s communications team and kept in the shadows.
The strategy, was for Akufo-Addo to “fool” Ghanaians into believing that if they gave him the mandate, he will not surround himself with those off-putting family and friends of his; and that he will also be a “Father For All”, who will protect the collective interest of Mother Ghana.
Well, the strategy certainly worked for Akufo-Addo and he is now President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana.
Is it not also said that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks?
Is it not also said that no matter how much time you spend bathing and cleaning-up a hog, it will always remain a pig and go back into the mud.
Have we so soon forgotten that Nana Akufo-Addo believes in the philosophy of “All Die Be Die”?
Akufo-Addo has proven over the years that his approach to life has nothing to do with social cohesion and national unity.
Akufo-Addo has never proven that his real reason for entering politics, is to better the lot of people.
Time without number, Nana Akufo-Addo has made it very clear that his philosophy in life, is to satisfy his personal ambitions.
When he was desperately looking for power, he decided to adopt the “Kramain ahubrasy” (the supposed humility of the dog), and was moving from church to church painting the picture that he was now a Christian full of Godly beliefs.
Indeed, immediately he was sworn-in, did Akufo-Addo not cut the sod for the building of a supposed National Basilica/Church?
What has become of that project?
Has it not become a white elephant?
Akufo-Addo in his usual Azar/419/Kwaku Ananse style of using deceit and subterfuge to hide his real intentions, just misled the Christian Community into believing that he loves God and the Church.
Akufo-Addo has surrounded himself with the likes of Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko (the defacto Prime Minister and Chief of Staff), Nana Asante Bedietuo, Ken Ofori-Atta (who has ambitions to take over from Akufo-Addo as Flagbearer of the NPP), and deliberately offending the sensibilities of Ghanaians as well as the SOUL of the nation.
Akufo-Addo is making it copiously obvious that he prefers to pander to the whims and desires of certain internal and external EVIL FORCES, rather than serve the supreme interest of the overwhelming majority of Ghanaians.
Without any feeling for the sentiments of the larger section of the Ghanaian Community, Akufo-Addo has decided to spit in the face of the Nation’s Constitution and attempting to legalise acts that our constitution seriously frowns upon.
In plain language, Akufo-Addo has introduced his “ALL DIE BE DIE” philosophy in other ways.
After breathing life into his ALL DIE BE DIE devilish philosophy by unleashing his terrorist goon squads on the nation to be beating up innocent citizens as well as officers and men of the security agencies, Akufo-Addo is introducing another form of his devilish ALL DIE BE DIE philosophy.
Now, Akufo-Addo is prepared to legalise homosexuality and open the floodgates for “ALL DIE BE DIE” forms of sexual intercourse.
Is it not extremely SAD that the President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana is now allowing his “ALL DIE BE DIE” agenda to become “ALL SEX BE SEX” or “ALL HOLE BE HOLE”
Under President John Agyekum Kufour’s NPP Administration, Ghana was mortgaged to the drug barons and the illicit cocaine trade was allowed to flourish “waa waa waa”.
It was under President Kufuor’s NPP Administration that Ghana became shamefully known as the Cocaine Coast because the government of the day was deeply involved in the illicit trade.
Those were the days when the Kickbacks were appearing in all shapes and forms at the Castle and President Kufuor himself was personally in-charge of collecting the kickbacks and depriving Haruna Eseku of his share as National Chairman of the NPP.
Now, under Akufo-Addo, the modus operandi has moved to more devilish heights, and Mother Ghana is being mortgaged to the international homosexual community:  That is how low Akufo-Addo and his NPP Administration are sinking the SOUL of Mother Ghana.
Ow Mother Ghana!!!  Cry oooooo Beloved Country, Cry!!!
Why has the devil taken centre stage in Ghana since we made a HUGE mistake and allowed these marauding elephants to take over the reins of government?
And the Men/Women of God are not talking?
Have the prophets stopped prophesying?  Eish!!!
I recall how President John Dramani was bashed heavily for only granting an interview to a gay guy.
Today the President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana is not only granting interviews to gays; he is inviting them to Ghana to come and congratulate him for planning to legalise homosexuality, and yet the Christian Community is dead silent on this matter? Yehowa!!!!
Has Pastor Mensah Otabil suddenly forgotten about the “CONSEQUENCES” of gay marriages and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the bible he preaches from?
Or Otabil has stopped preaching about “CONSEQUENCES”?
Honestly, Judgment Day in Heaven will be a sight to behold.
I Keep asking; that, what crime did Ghanaians commit, to have such a President superintending the massive and colossal destruction of Mother Ghana?
Where did we go wrong as a people, to be suffering so much indignation at the hands of Nana Akufo-Addo and his bunch of empty-headed, family, friends, cronies, and concubines, who are just destroying all the hard work that has been put in to get this nation to an appreciable level of take-off into permanent economic growth and development?
I recall how as the Father of the Nation, President John Evans Atta Mills stood solidly on his feet and told Tony Blair in the face to piss off with this Gay Rights talk about tying British aid to Ghana to the attempt to command us to legalise homosexuality.
President Mills did not mince his words at all; he stood on behalf of the nation and boldly declared that NEVER under his watch shall any such thing be legalised in Ghana and that if Britain will cut aid to Ghana because we will not legalise homosexuality, then they can keep their money.  That is the mark of true Leader.
Every true Leader must hold the nation’s interest above parochial sectarian interests that will only end up destroying the fabric of the society.
Ow President Atta Mills; Mother Ghana misses you ooo in these times when Akufo-Addo is planning on legalising homosexuality.
I have heard some NPP wimps say that Akufo-Addo is a Human Rights lawyer, hence his promise to legalise homosexuality in Ghana.
Human Rights lawyer indeed!!!
This line of thought is nothing but ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!!
NPP wimps want to hide behind the screen of Human Rights to support the legalisation of homosexuality against the spirit and the letter of Ghana’s constitution, then they are skating on very thin ice because their legless argument shall certainly sink deeper than the Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage.
If they want to talk about Human Rights; then we must also legalise, armed robbery and all kids of vices because people can also argue that it is within the rights of human beings to decide on their own volition to steal.
is only a President and CANNOT rule according to his whims and caprices: he shall be FORCED to govern with the constitution of Ghana whether he likes it nor not!
If Akufo-Addo has so soon forgotten that he swore on the bible in the presence of the nation and the whole world that he will UPHOLD the constitution of the Republic of Ghana and that if he goes against the grain and substance of his oath of office, he is prepared to SUFFER the penalty thereof, then I am being a responsible citizen and reminding him of his oath of office.
I am only reminding Nana Akufo-Addo of his own sworn oath to SUFFER the penalty for any action/s of his that will seek to destabilise and destroy this dear nation of ours.
I have run my corn aground and let the chickens peck if they so wish because I will say no more for now.
I rest my case and pray we meet again under the shade-giving Umbrella next week to dissect more issues of national importance.
Hastaluego Amigos.
Koku Anyidoho
Deputy General Secretary (NDC)
Founder/CEO, Atta Mills Institute
I hear (I did not waste my precious time to read) Ebo Quansah wrote some copious  trash in his Chronicle Newspaper about me last week asking me to go and unravel the cause of the death of President Atta Mills and stop criticising the USELESS NPP Administration led by Nana Akufo-Addo.  
Somebody should tell that LOAFER called Ebo Quansah that I am not a pathologist to be cutting up dead bodies to determine the causes of deaths.  
Does Ebo Quansah not work for the Chronicle?
Has Ebo Quansah forgotten the fears that the owner of the Chronicle, Kofi Coomson, expressed about Akufo-Addo becoming president of Ghana in the build-up to the 2008 General Elections?  
Did Kofi Coomson not grant open interviews on Radio Gold and say that he would not be able to “SLEEP” if Ghanaians made and mistake and allowed Akufo-Addo to become President of Ghana because he cannot “TRUST” the leadership capabilities of Akufo-Addo?  
Are Kofi Coomson’s predictions not coming true?  
Did Kofi Coomson not say that he would not feel “SAFE” under an Akufo-Addo presidency?  
Has Ghana not become extremely UNSAFE under the reckless watch of Akufo-Addo?  
So what is Ebo Quansah talking about?
I will not waste too much time on a LOAFER like Ebo Quansah who shamelessly hijacked the SWAG guesthouse when he was unfortunately made president of SWAG, and turned the place into his private residence and run it down.  
I was so glad when SWAG kicked the LOAFER out as president, and forcefully threw him out of the SWAG guesthouse.    
Somebody should tell that LOAFER called Ebo Quansah to lap-up the crumbs that Nana Akufo-Addo throws at him and not start battles he is bound to lose.    
Akufo-Addo and his family, friends, cronies, and concubines government is fast-destroying this nation of ours and when we are exposing the rot, Ebo Quansah wants to insult me?  Nonsense!!!  
When the NDC was in government, was Ebo Quansah not senselessly criticising the government?  
So, if Ebo Quansah can criticise the NDC, what stops me from criticising the failing NPP Government led by Nana Akufo-Addo?
I will honestly not pay any attention to Ebo Quansah again because as far as I am concerned, he is a spent force!

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