Akosombo Dam spillage: VRA assures there won’t be massive damages

Akosombo Dam spillage: VRA assures there won’t be massive damages

Akosombo Dam spillage: VRA assures there won't be massive damages

The Volta River Authority (VRA) anticipates a controlled water spillage from the Akosombo Dam in the upcoming weeks, with minimal damage expected. Building on last year’s experience, the VRA aims to apply valuable lessons learned to ensure a managed and safe release of water, mitigating potential impacts on surrounding areas.

In September 2023, a controlled water spillage from the Akosombo Dam, which lasted for three weeks, led to the displacement of around 39,000 people and significant losses to farmlands. The measure was taken to ensure the dam’s integrity, but it resulted in severe flooding in eight districts across three regions, impacting the areas of Asuogyaman, Shai Osudoku, North Tongu, Central Tongu, South Tongu, Anlo, Keta Municipal, Ketu South Municipal, and Ada East.

Director of Environment and Sustainable Development at the Volta River Authority (VRA), Ben Sackey announced that the Authority has initiated a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process, aimed at fostering collaboration and information sharing with relevant parties, ahead of the planned controlled water spillage from the Akosombo Dam.

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