Airbus Scandal: ‘Fixing The Country’ Movement issues 14-Day ultimatum to OSP to reinvestigate

Airbus Scandal: ‘Fixing The Country’ Movement issues 14-Day ultimatum to OSP to reinvestigate

Airbus Scandal: ‘Fixing The Country’ Movement issues 14-Day ultimatum to OSP to reinvestigate

By: Ama Gyamfuah

The Fixing the Country Movement has given the Office of the Special Prosecutor a 14-day deadline to reopen the investigation into the Airbus scandal involving former President John Mahama.

The group has threatened to stage a demonstration if their demand is not addressed.

At a press conference on Sunday, the convener, Ernest Owusu-Bempah, stated that Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng did not thoroughly investigate the matter.

Mr. Owusu-Bempah criticized the investigation as a “total whitewash,” asserting that it did not adequately address the facts presented by authorities in the United Kingdom and the United States.

He pointed out that courts in the UK and US had previously determined that Airbus SE engaged in bribery to secure lucrative contracts, including the sale of military aircraft to Ghana between 2009 and 2015.

Mr. Owusu-Bempah called on the British High Commission and the US Embassy to review the findings and report them to their respective justice departments for further action.

The Movement has also demanded a public inquiry into the Airbus corruption case, stressing the importance of accountability and transparency.

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