‘’Acting isn’t what I set out to do in life’’- Fiifi Coleman

‘’Acting isn’t what I set out to do in life’’- Fiifi Coleman

‘’Acting isn’t what I set out to do in life’’- Fiifi Coleman

Ghanaian actor, director, film producer and writer, Fiifi Coleman, has revealed that acting was neither a career option for him nor his parents.

Interviewed by Foster Romanus on e.TV Ghana’s Late Nite Celebrity Show, Fiifi mentioned that for a long time, he denied to himself that he had a talent in a certain field, and all it took to commence his career was finally identifying that he did have a talent.

He said, ‘’My parents did not want me to become an actor so that was out of the question. I’m supposed to be an engineer right now. I was forced to believe that it was what I was brought forth to become but as the years went by gradually, the winds blew me into acting.’’

He furthered that he went through Teachers’ Training College and now he is a professional teacher as well. After graduating from training college, he heard about the School of Performing Arts and had people recommending that he try it out because he was good at acting. He decided to go through with it even though his parents were not in agreement and that is how come fifteen to seventeen years down the line, he is now the actor and director everyone knows him to be.

By: Maureen Dedei Quaye

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