01/10Here are a few natural ways to treat skin issues
A good face wash and water and can only go so far when it comes to maintaining good skin health. Sometimes you need to dedicate a little extra time to your skincare routine to achieve that glow. It’s no secret that your skin is exposed to a lot of harmful pollutants when you step out. This can not only lead to an accumulation of dirt, oil and bacteria on your skin but can also cause acne, breakouts, tanning and whatnot. So, if you’re wondering how you can get rid of these skin issues, here are some homemade remedies that will come to your rescue.
02/10Stretch marks
A sugar scrub will come in rather handy if you’re looking to lighten stretch marks. You’ll need Raw sugar, Almond oil and Lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients well and then apply it to the affected area. Massage gently for 10 minutes using gentle circular motions and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Chamomile tea is the miracle ingredient that can come to your rescue for this one. Just dip two chamomile tea bags in boiling water for 10 minutes and once the water is done steeping, place it in the fridge. Once cold, dip cotton balls into the water and then apply them to your skin. You’ll see the difference in your skin in time.
Whiteheads are a common skin issue many people face. Honey and egg work well to tackle this problem. To make this natural remedy, combine the two ingredients to make a smooth paste. Next, leave the mixture on your face for about half an hour before you wash it off with cool water.
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Sandalwood powder can help to treat scars as it contains antiseptic properties. All you have to do is mix some sandalwood powder with milk and rose water. Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you wash it off. Use it regularly to achieve the best results.
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To treat eczema with a natural remedy, you will need aloe vera gel. It is loaded with antibacterial properties, which can help heal your skin. It also has a soothing effect on the skin. Apply a generous amount of gel on the affected area. Even though it can work effectively to treat the issue, it is best to consult with your doctor before you try it.
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Acne is one of the most common skin issues almost everyone faces. It’s not just a teen issue, a lot of adults get it too. For this treatment, you will need one tomato and lavender oil.Once you’ve blended the two ingredients well, apply it all over your face. This treatment may also help reduce the excessive amounts of sebum secretion. It is ideal to use if you have very oily skin.
08/10Dry lips
Everyone wants soft lips. However, depending on the weather situation it can dry up fast. To tackle this issue, apply a blend of aloe vera and honey on your lips. Leave it on overnight. If your lips are really dry apply a natural clarified butter a couple of times a week on your lips. This will help to keep your lips soft and smooth.
09/10Dark circles
If skincare products aren’t helping you get rid of dark circles, try a natural remedy. To make this treatment, you can either use a potato or cucumber. Dip your choice of vegetable in rose water and apply it over eyes.Make sure your eyes are closed when you use this mixture. Leave it on for 15 minutes before you remove it. Next, rub almond oil on the affected areas.
10/10Facial spots
As you age your skin starts to change. You may notice facial spots or pigmentation, which can look like dark patches. To treat this issue, you will need lemon juice, grated raw potato and cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients well before you rub it all over your skin. Massage the mixture on your face in circular motions. Leave this treatment on for at least 15 minutes before you wash it off with cool water. Use this treatment often to improve your complexion.