Director of Creative Arts, responsible for Programmes and Projects at the National Commission on Culture, Socrate Sarfo has raveled the need for a data in our industry to help no the number of people in the whole industry .
The controversial film producer, Socrate Sarfo argued although entertainers talk too much we don’t even have a data in our industry which is very bad .
Appearing as a panelist on Happy Fm Showbiz xtra hosted by Doctar Cann he stated “ We need data in our industry,” he cited.
He Continued “ There were people in positions who should have done this work but never did. However other Sectors like the Education and so on have Data that is why things work well for them but in our case there is nothing like that he stressed.
The former Public Relations Officer for the Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG), Socrate additionally explained, “ we were introduced to a bank by the president to their board of directors and after the presentation they requested for numbers on the data in our industry. Unfortunately we couldn’t provide the data as an industry. We don’t have it, he said.
Socrate further added that, “ We don’t know the number of film producers, music producers we have. Although we don’t know much about such issues we go on radio and speak anyhow,” he lamented.
He finally disclosed that before you will receive an amount from someone they are supposed to be very sure that the money will be disbursed for the right purpose. Throwing more light on Data in the industry, Soctate concluded that, “ when someone is into a cocoa farm or a Shea butter farm they know the land they need for their plantation but in our industry we don’t know our Data,” he told Happy fm.