The African Union will hold its 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting in Accra, Ghana, on July 21, 2024.
This meeting, themed “Educate and Skill Africa for the 21st Century,” will include the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, Regional Mechanisms, and AU Member States.
The meeting will be preceded by the 45th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council which will take place from July 18 -19, 2024.
About the Mid-Year Coordination Meeting
Established in 2017, this meeting is the main forum for the AU Assembly and Regional Economic Communities(RECs) to align efforts and implement the continental integration agenda, replacing the June/July summits.
It is a meeting involving the bureau of the AU Assembly and Regional Economic Communities (RECs), with the participation of the Chairpersons of RECs, the AU Commission, and Regional Mechanisms (RMs).
Article 7 of the Protocol on the Mid-Year Coordination Meeting states that instead of the June/July Summit, the Bureau of the Assembly will hold a coordination meeting with the RECs, involving the Chairpersons of the RECs, the Commission, and RMs.
The objective of this meeting is to achieve a clear division of labor and foster effective collaboration between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the Regional Mechanisms (RMs), and Member States, adhering to the principle of subsidiarity.
The 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting will be held in two formats. The first leg which will take place from July 18-19, 2024 will be the Executive Council Session with the following in focus:
- Working documents and Declaration of the 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting between the African Union, Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms. Report on participation of the African Union in the G20.
- Report of the AU independent technical team on hosting the African Humanitarian Agency (AFHA)
- Consideration of reports of the Committees of the Executive Council on the Scale of Assessment and the Committee of F15, and on African Candidatures within the International System.
- Election and appointment of
3 judges of the African Court on Human and People’s Rights (AfCHPR)
President of the council of the Pan African University (PAU)
2 Members of the African Space Council
1 member of the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption
Appointment of Members of the African Union Board of External Auditors (BoEAs)
The second format which is also the final leg will take place on July 21, 2024, with the official opening statements, presentation and discussion on continental integration in Africa and adoption of the 6th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting Declaration.
Participation at the Mid-Year Coordination Meeting will bring together AU Chairperson and the Bureau of the Assembly, Chairpersons of all RECs, AUC Chairperson and Chief, Executives of RECs/RMs,
Deputy Chairperson and Commissioners of the AUC
Chief Executive Officer of AUDA-NEPAD
The Mid-Year Coordination Meeting is intended to
- Evaluate the progress of continental integration and coordinate efforts to speed up the integration process.
- Facilitate the implementation of a clear division of labor and effective collaboration among the Union, RECs, RMs, and Member States, following the principles of subsidiarity, complementarity, and comparative advantage.
- Harmonize and coordinate AU and REC policies to accelerate Africa’s integration process.
- Identify cooperation areas and establish mechanisms for regional, continental, and global collaboration in each sector or subsector.
- Guide the Union and RECs on priority programs, necessary resources for these programs, and their impact on improving the lives of African people.
- Review and assess the implementation status of decisions and legal instruments related to the relations between the Union, RECs, and RMs.