If you want to change up the look of your WhatsApp messages then a simple way to do it is swap the font around.
Not many people know about the function, but it’s a quick way to give your chats a bit of customisation.
The company quietly rolled out the new font – called FixedSys – and it’s easily activated by adding a certain character before and after your message.
All you have to do is add three ` characters to your conversation.
So, for example, you could say “`How’s it going?“` – and your message would be converted into the new font.
We tried it for ourselves and can confirm that it does work.

However, if you’re using an iPhone, you may struggle to find this character as it’s not included on the default iOS keyboard – you’ll have to download another keyboard from the App store.
All you have to do is add asterisks either side of a word to make it bold or underscores to make it italic.
So, for example, typing *bold* would give you bold and typing _italic_ would give youitalic.