In its bid to fulfil the dream of many would-be couples to experience an unforgettable wedding ceremony, Happy 98.9 FM has launched ‘Ghana’s Dream Wedding’.The all-expense paid wedding ceremony which will be organised by Happy FM, the number one sports station in Ghana, is a community investment event which seeks to help couples desirous of getting married by taking on the responsibility of organising the event and providing all the necessary resources needed.
According to Kwasi Sarpong, Programmes Manager of Happy FM, the ‘Dream Wedding’ is a continuation of the Happy FM Valentine Mass Wedding but with a different style and format. The ‘Dream Wedding’ will take on a traditional twist which will leave a lasting memory in the minds of the couples, their family members and friends.’’
He continued that the idea is to support 30 couples get married in the most relaxed manner and not go through the stress that is associated with wedding preparations. He denounced the perception out there that such weddings are for poor people but rather has over the years attracted different classes of people in the country.
Happy FM has over the past 11 years organized the Happy FM Valentine Mass Wedding which has united over 300 couples and attracted 3000 witnesses, family members and friends.
Registration is opened for ‘Ghana’s Dream Wedding’ which will take place next year on Valentines Day February 14, 2017.
For more information, tune in to 98.9 Happy FM in Accra or check out www.happyghana.com for more information.

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