When a home is listed on the property marketplace, you just can’t tell how long it will remain there. If you are lucky, you will start receiving offers right away and eventually close the sale. However, some properties remain in the market for too long, especially if they are listed during the low season. If you are the owner of such a property, you are bound to have sleepless nights, especially if you are selling the house without doing any repairs.
It actually gets worse when you need the money to handle an urgent issue such as paying medical bills for your loved one or any other sudden expense that you didn’t expect. Such needs can’t wait. But again, you can’t sell your property at a throwaway price just because you are in desperate need of liquid cash. You, therefore, need to find a way of attracting potential buyers. Here are a few tips that can give you a head start when you want to dispose of your property much faster before things get out of hand.
1. Set the Price
The most common mistake that the majority of homeowners make is to overprice their properties. While selling at a low price is also an obstacle, overpricing your home discourages potential buyers from investing in it. Keep in mind that every buyer also considers the price that the same home is likely to fetch if it’s sold later. Before you set a price for your property, you should first find out how much the other properties that are in your neighbourhood and are not yet repaired are going for. Once you have such fine details, you can be able to set the right price for your home. In addition to that, you should factor into the cost of doing the repairs and deduct accordingly to ensure that the buyer doesn’t feel like he is paying too much for too little.
2. Consult a Real Estate Agent
No one understands the property market than a real estate agent. They actually know the market like the back of their hand. They are usually the first people to know when an immovable asset has been listed in the market. When you involve them in selling your home, you can be sure that your property will be bought in a matter of days. This is because they are well connected. In fact, they know the people that specialise in buying old homes. You won’t, therefore, have to stress yourself while looking for serious buyers
3. Take Nice Pictures
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures that you use to showcase your market in the marketplace should be of high quality. This is because images create an impression in the minds of people that might be interested in buying your property. It’s actually advisable you hire a professional photographer to take nice pictures of your house. But before the camera guy comes around, you should clear the clutter in the various rooms. This will enable the photographer to focus on the unique details of your property so that it can be more appealing. In case any potential buyers are coming to view the house, you should make sure they don’t find you at home. Most buyers feel uneasy when the owner of the property hangs around during showing sessions because they may not be able to criticise some of the details.
4. Advertise in the Dailies
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If you have some money to spare, you can publish ads in authoritative digital and print newspapers. This helps in ensuring that many people view your property as possible. Alternatively, you can browse the classifieds and look for we buy houses Sacramentoadverts. You can even have your property advertised in a real estate magazine. The advantage is that such magazines are bought by people that are interested in investing in the sector. You can also use social media to create a buzz about your home.