Ghanaian swimmer, Harry Stacey who finished 7th in the Men’s 100 freestyle at the 2024 Olympic Games has told the media after the event that he is disappointed because he had high hopes for himself leading up to the 2024 Olympics.
Despite competing very well in the Men’s 100 metres freestyle, his 7th position on the day clearly states that he was not at his best.
“My swim wasn’t my best. Normally, I’m first to 15 meters or second, and then also first to the turn. This time, I think I was around fourth. So my first 50 wasn’t my best, but the second 50 coming back, I did what I normally do. I’m not too mad at the performance, but it wasn’t my best showing.”
Harry finished 7th with a time of 51.12s which was slower than his personal best and national record 50.67s.