As far as popular belief exists, dating a journalist is not easy. They are not minting money as much as their counter parts and in many cases are even workaholics.
Yes, it may not be easy peasy but who isn’t up for a challenge. It’s certainly not as dull as it is projected and dating a journalist can be quite an experience. Go ahead, read with an open mind and decide for yourself. Here’s hoping to change some mind sets.
1. They know the coolest places in town
According to pop culture and stereotypical representation, journalists are considered to be dull, anti-social and full of themselves. However, reality paints a different picture. They get to attend the most happening parties in town, movie premiers, dine at finest restaurants. Who wouldn’t want to be their partner?
2. They are creative
Of course, we are. We journos can spin creative, knowledgeable and engaging stories and this definitely extends beyond the realms of the newsroom. So all you ladies and lads, get ready to shed some happy tears, for you are going to be loaded with the most mushy, corny and breathtakingly beautiful love letters. Need more reasons?
3. Endless conversations with them
Journalists are a perfect blend of being nerdy and smart. Keeping track of what is going around in the world comes to naturally to them. Conversing with them can be engaging, intellectually stirring and endless, since they can discuss anything under the sun.
4. Money is secondary for them

Passion for their work is what drives them and not the moolah. If it were about minting money, then they wouldn’t be in this profession in the first place. They may not be earning as much as their counter parts but they do get to enjoy the freebies from time to time.
5. They are trustworthy

Trust is the number one trait journalists swear by. Right from keeping important information off the record, to gaining the trust of their source. Be rest assured, if you do date a journalist, your trust won’t be broken and your secrets will always be safe.
6. Multitasking is their forte
Innumerable sources, never ending deadlines and working in high pressure environment. Even with the constant insanity looming over their heads, journalists are experts at multitasking. They can perfectly balance their work and their relationships. They do not shy away from showering their partner with love and care even after a hard day’s work.
7. They will give you your space

Journalists have no time to mop over trivial matters. They won’t bombard you with a million questions nor demand to know how you’ve spent every minute of your day. They are beat working day and night and will give you your space and in return, also expect the same.
8. They are hard working
Being a journalist is not easy. It is a life laden with hard work and unconditional perseverance. Right from dealing with PR’s to running after sources for their stories, they know exactly what it takes to get it right and to make it work; and expect the same behaviour when it comes to their personal lives as well. They will give it their all to make their relationships work.
9. Passionate communicators and great listeners

Journalists always have interesting stories to narrate. Having said that, they are also great listeners, they will genuinely show interest in you. They have a knack for reading between the lines and even catch the subtle hints in your tête-à-tête.
10. They are helpful

Journalists will go out of their way to help those in need. It doesn’t matter even if they are mere acquaintances. With their contacts and friends in the industry, they will leave no stone unturned in their endeavour. It’s safe to say, journalists have big hearts.
11. The joy of free tickets
Want to attend your favourite game, concert or an art event? Your wish is their command, a few phone calls and voilà! You have your free tickets.
Let us know if you would be dating a journalist any time soon.